Clinical studies

Studies beyond compare

GRAFIX PRIME Membrane 49% fewer DLEUs and 73% fewer VLUs compared to all other CTPs.18

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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)* provides national guidance and advice to improve health and social care:

  • NICE evaluated the quality of data for dermal substitute studies that included cure rate at 12 weeks versus standard care in diabetic foot ulcers
  • GRAFIX Cryopreserved Placental Membrane had the highest overall effects vs. SOC and was the only dermal substitute determined to have "high quality evidence" with "no serious risk of bias".

50% reduction in wound recurrence (7,680 Medicare claims) over 12 months after patients received GRAFIX Membrane to manage their DFUs17

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62% of DFUs (n=97) closed with GRAFIX Membrane at 12 weeks vs. 21% with standard of care alone (p=0.0001)6,7

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59% of complex DFUs (n=27) closed with GRAFIX Membrane at 16 weeks8

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53% of VLUs that failed to close with 12 weeks SOC went on to close with GRAFIX Membrane + standard of care (p<0.001)9

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59% of DFUs (n=350) closed with GRAFIX Membrane12

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76% of chronic wounds (n=67) closed with GRAFIX Membrane at 12 weeks15

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63% of chronic wounds (n=40) closed with GRAFIX Membrane11

18% of chronic wounds (n=39) closed with EpiFix™ (p<0.0001)11

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59% of chronic wounds (n=98) achieved complete wound closure with GRAFIX PL Membrane10

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View a summary of our clinical studies here.